Review Of Adjustable Beds, Complementary Therapies & Great Tattoos

Complementary Therapies

New Year means a new start for many people – the start of a clean page in the book of life coupled with a myriad of promises to self to be better at looking after oneself.

I know, we are all guilty of this and most of us are equally guilty at not keeping those well meant promises for longer than just a few days (or in some cases it does manage to get to a few weeks before the enthusiasm peters out)

So, why not go about this in a way that makes it easier to keep those promises.  If we did not throw ourselves into the new way with such a ‘gung ho’ attitude and instead just gently eased ourselves into it and slowly made it a part of our regular routine it would be far easier to keep it going and to actually enjoy it.

I mean come on now – we start by going to the gym and go maybe 3 or 4 times a week which for most folk really is not a reasonable long term thing.  If however, we committed to going once or maybe twice if times permits and not only that commit to going on the same day at the same time so that it does become a routine.  Surely this is far easier to maintain?

Having been a therapist for almost 20 years I see this in clients year in and year out.  I see it in them as they try to lose weight, get fit and even to look after themselves by having a regular massage or reflexology session just once a month.

I see having a treatment once a month not as a luxury where people are seen to be ‘treating’ themselves but I see it as an essential part of body, mind and spirit maintenance.  this is very valuable time where the outside world is put to one side albeit just for an hour.  The muscles are given the opportunity to relax and stretch, the body is given time to regroup and rebalance, and most importantly the subconcious mind is given the opportunity to come through and be heard as the incessantly chattering concious mind is stilled and quietened.

Complementary therapies are often given a bad press (usually by people who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about any way), but look at it this way.  If you are ill and your Dr prescribes you a drug then this may work or it may not work (you try it and see and you may even get a few nasty unwanted side effects as an extra thrown in), same goes for complementary therapies.  They all work but not for everyone and for everything.  You have to find which works best for you and discount the rest.  Come on now you have got a huge choice from reflexology to reiki to hot stones massage …..

The best form of investment in yourself is not new clothes or a new bag but by spending on your ‘whole’ wellbeing to keep you body mind and spirit in tip top balance and form.

If like me you have got a fairly efficient filing system for all important documents it sometimes comes as a bit of a shock and annoyance to you to find that what you want is not where it should be and not only that – you need it right now.


Even worse is that unless you used the documents fairly recently then you cannot always remember the last time you saw them.  I mean how often do you need to use your birth or marriage certificates?  Not very often at all really.

A friend of mine got a really exciting new job abroad and she needed to start fast – yep you got it she could not find her birth certificate when she needed it.

Not only that she needed to get it legalized for the country she was going to.

Fortunately for her she found a company here in the UK that specializes in replacement certificates and also legalization of certificates – all done in one.

Vital Certificates are one of those gems who you are not going to need every week or indeed every year but when you do need them you need them fast and professional.  They can provide you with replacement birth, marriage, death, adoption, decree absolute certificates and if needed have them legalized for whichever country you need.  They are well trained and very efficient and get the job done as fast as they can.

So, next time you find yourself in a bit of a certificate fix – give Vital Certificates a call.

Energy Clearing

For those of you who are not familiar with energy theories this post might cause you to feel sceptical and also to think that the author of this post is a bit ‘off the wall’.  However, I can assure you that I am a rational normal thinking person who has been lucky enough to experience some truly amazing things in life – not only that but also very recently.

A number of years ago I became interested in dowsing.  I learned that as well as looking for underground water and natural earth energy there were so many more applications for this ancient art.  I also learned that knowing about earth energies and underground water was essential to human health and well being. – More on this in another article.

At around about the same time I became interested in dowsing I also became interested in space clearing/energy clearing which is where the old stagnant and stuck energies of buildings and houses is dispersed so that the current occupiers can fill the space with their own frequencies.  I became interested in space clearing as a direct result of my own home causing me some problems and through the timely intervention of a well known dowser who lived locally I was able to restore balance and harmony very very quickly.

This interest then led me to read more and more about the subject of space clearing/energy clearing and gave me a much deeper understanding of how the energy of a building can and indeed does affect all in it.

You see if you are at all familiar with the concept that everything is energy – even our thoughts and emotions are a frequency therefore energy.  So, taking that forwards you need to understand that energy never dies – it might change frequency but it is never destroyed.  We have all experienced the feeling of energy in a room – I am sure most people have experienced walking into a room where you feel like you could cut the air with a knife?  You cannot describe in words what the feeling is but – ‘it just does not feel right?’

When we are in an enclosed space such as a room or building then anything that happens energetically in that space – the energy gets deposited into the space.  Some of this gets dispersed but much of it gets stuck just like dust gathers in a corner of the room so does old gunky low level dense energy.  Look at this as energetic garbage which needs clearing away just like your physical garbage.

Over time this garbage just builds and builds if no one bothers to take it out with the trash  – just like your rubbish does if no one bothers to empty the bin.

As the levels build higher and higher the energy given out gets stronger and stronger and more and more begins to influence the energy of the space it is in.  So what we then get is a situation where energetic patterns begin to emerge.  Homes where there has been a history of domestic violence will continue to have this, homes where the inhabitants have relationship problems will continue to repeat this pattern.

So how do you rid your space of previous inhabitants old stale energy so that you can fill it with your own?

Well, it really is quite simple once you know how …….

You find someone like a good friend of mine – Eric Dowsett over at who actually specialises in energy clearing and not only that he is renowned for being extremely good at it.

So the next time you get out your vacuum cleaner to clean your floors – spare a thought for all the stuck, gunky old energy lurking in the corners and spaces and consider the impact this may be having on your life.

Keep Warm And Save Money

Not sure about where you live in the world but here in the UK the weather has turned – not that it was really any good to start with after the non summer we have had this year.

What with heating bills being higher than ever before and food prices set to take a hike upwards after the rubbish crops this summer due to the really awful weather we look to be in for a winter of discontent.

We are all looking for ways to survive the winter and yet save as much money as we can.

So, here are a few tips to help you to focus your best efforts on this task…….

  • Make sure that you use all your nice warm clothes and remember to layer up – many thin layers means that you will feel cosier.  Wear wrist warmers and scarves around the house.
  • Make sure you feed yourself well.  Lots of nice warming home made soups and stews with nice warm crusty bread.  Use a slow cooker to cook with as it uses very small amounts of electricity and better still it means you can prepare everything early on in the day and just leave it until you are ready to eat.
  • Keep your heating to 2 or 3 degrees lower than you might normally do – you will be surprised at how much gas/electricity you save with this seemingly small thing.
  • Make sure that your windows and doors are draft proofed and that your double glazing is well maintained.  Drafty windows and doors mean that a huge amount of heat is lost.  If you have not got double glazing then consider investing in this.  Try and see if there are any grants you can get to help with the cost of this.  Your local authority will have details of any schemes running.
  • Make sure you get some regular exercise to keep your blood pumping through your muscles – exercising is a great way to get warm and to warm you right through to your core.  When your core is warmed you stay warm for hours.
  • Keep the heat off in your bedroom and get a warmer duvet – or just buy another one to put on top of the one you already have – just imagine how comfy your bed will be:)  A hot stuffy bedroom is never a good thing so keep the room cool and with plenty of fresh air to ensure you wake up without a nasty groggy headache.

There are plenty of ways to help to keep warm in winter without always resorting to turning up the heating.  Many of these ways are far healthier than increasing your utility bills.

if you have any other suggestions them please feel free to leave your comments here and share them with us.

Winter is seen by many as that time of year where they no longer need an excuse not to venture beyond the door step once they have got home from work.  Some people love the fact that the cold damp weather gives them the perfect excuse to stay in and sit in front of the TV eating comfort food and staying warm and dry.

I can actually sympathise with this as I too love the feeling of being warm and dry and knowing that I do not need to leave the house again that night.  But I also know that after a few days of inactivity that I begin to feel lethargic and slow and that my need for some exercise increases the longer this goes on.  However, the thought of going out into the cold and damp is no incentive to make that move.

It is precisely for these reasons that so many people fall foul of bugs and coughs and colds during the winter months.  Our immune systems are lowered by the lack of sunlight and exercise and our motivation to go out and actually do something about this is often less than zero.

So here are a few helpful ideas to help to boost a lethargic immune system to beat the winter bugs.

Reflexology is a great way to get an whole system body balance to make sure that all of your organs and glands are working harmoniously.  It is totally non invasive, extremely relaxing, very powerful and effective.  Having been a reflexologist for nearly 18 years I have much experience with many different types of clients and I see that people who suffer from chronic conditions such as IBS, Migraine, Sinus troubles get much symptomatic relief from a regular monthly Reflexology session.

Exercise that can be done at home – why not invest in a piece of portable gym equipment?  Step machines particularly elliptical step machines are great for getting a good muscular and toning workout and also for getting that essential cardio vascular exercise.  If you do not mind going out then membership at a local gym is always a good idea to get you moving and fit during winter months.
if the day is bright yet cold then wrap up well and off your go to get a good dose of vitamin D.

Eating well, making sure that you do not succumb to too much comfort food.  Make sure to get plenty of fruits and vegetables and take a good multi vitamin supplement to make sure you get all that you need and always get a good dose of vitamin C.  Good wholesome home made soups and stews using plenty of root vegetables.  Home made desserts using apples and plums.  The occasional glass of red wine (for medicinal purposes of course) and drinks such as warming ginger beer always go down well in the cold.  Lots of fruits and vegetables to help to keep you fit and healthy and to keep your Homocysteine levels as low as possible.

Winter does not need to be the season of coughs and colds and by taking just that extra bit of care to how we look after ourselves we can be fit and well and ready for the springtime just around the corner.

A number of my therapy clients have decided to get together to get fit together – they do not necessarily need to lose a lot of weight but more like they need to get fit.

I suppose it has been a slow dawning that they are not getting younger, they have neglected themselves for years as bringing up the family has taken over all else and for some it has been the fact that over the summer holiday they have not been able to keep up with far fitter teenagers and children.

Whatever their reasons I applaud them all.

Working together as a team and staying accountable to each other is a great way to work as it keeps the whole group focussed.

Now as a number of them still have younger children going out to the gym is difficult for some and as the weather here in the UK has taken a turn for the chilly side going out for a run is not always the most enticing of ideas.

Some have stepped in to do some ad hoc babysitting duties and someone else had the bright idea of a portable step machine which means that there is no need to leave their home on a cold dark winters night and indeed there is no real reason to even switch off the TV – indeed by keeping the TV on in some instances makes the workout a longer one as boredom does not set in quite the same.

I never really knew about portable step machines – my only experience coming from the big ones you see in the gym (these are the machines I prefer to avoid).  However, the portable step machines are excellent and give just as good a workout in the comfort of your own home.

In fact there seem to be 2 favourites that the group have been looking at the Xiser commercial portable stepper (much stronger than many other models) – they can even share this one as it is so sturdy and it even is good for up to 400lb.

The other one they love is something called an elliptical trainer which gives a better workout still as it mimics activities such as skiing, cycling as well as stepping.  Now there’s an idea!

The idea of buying some portable gym equipment is a great idea as these items really are portable and very easy to store as they fold down into something that will easily slide under your bed or into a cupboard – even under the desk for the Xiser model.  You can use them whilst watching TV and never need to leave the house – in fact there is no real objection that anyone can come up with not to get and use one of these to get fitter over the cold dark winter months is there?

Home Step Machines

So, come one now let’s have a honest poll – how many of you were happy to be on the beach this summer baring your all to get a nice brown tan?

I bet not everyone by a long way raised their hands to this did they?

Ok, next question? ……..

So, what the heck are you doing about it so that next time you are proud and happy to be lying like a god on the beach?

Speak up I am having trouble hearing you!!

No, still not loud enough!

The trouble is that now summer is gone and autumn is setting in far too many of us use this as an excuse (a very poor excuse I might add), to start to hibernate away.  Next summer seems ages away and so we do not need to give any immediate thought to losing weight or toning up and getting fit for a long time – and any way Christmas is only round the corner and we do not want to spoil that do we?

Not good enough!

Now I can understand if going to the gym is really not your thing or maybe you have kids and getting a sitter is not an option or even the gym membership is too much to stretch to.  I also know that as the nights get darker and colder the incentive to go out lessens.

So, here is the perfect solution ….. wait for it …….

Trumpet fanfare and roll of drums ……….

A home step machine

Yes, you read that correctly!

A home step machine ticks all the boxes and eliminates pretty much all of your objections 🙂

You can stay home, you can do it whilst watching TV, no need for a babysitter, no monthly gym fees, no one watching your big bum from behind, no feeling silly in front of the other gym members…….

Ah, I can just hear a tiny very pathetic objection from someone over at the back there – shout up a bit I can hardly hear you!!

Oh, i see you have no where to store a step machine is that it?

Well, the good news is that with the Stamina SpaceMate folding stepper you do not need any more spare storage room other than the underside of your bed.

So, you see there is a solution to every problem and a silver lining to every cloud – you can tone up and get fit over winter so that next summer you are toned up and beach ready better than ever before.

Sleeping Well?

So how do you feel when you get up on a morning?

Did you sleep well last night or did you toss and turn and like me fail to get off to sleep till the small hours?

Oh yes, I was up till 3am because I just could not ‘drop off the cliff’ – if you know what I mean.

I mean it was not that I was not tired and I had nothing especially on my mind to keep me awake, I do not ever drink coffee so that could not be blamed and the neighbours were not playing loud music either.  Just one of those infuriating insomniac nights.


So what else could I have done to nod off more easily?

Horlicks or hot chocolate (I hate milky drinks), had a Reflexology session (not really bale to do it to myself to get the desired effect), had some Melatonin (not licensed here in the UK) or maybe an adjustable bed might have done the trick?

Well for those of you who do not know the relative merits of adjustable beds you need to understand that they really are the ultimate in comfort and more importantly support.  They adjust in the 5 key areas of the legs, hips, back, neck and head and will give an unlimited variety of combinations to allow just about anyone to get comfortable.

These beds are perfect for anyone who might be unlucky enough to suffer from arthritis or even just aches and pains, anyone with oedema, asthma, hiatus hernia or gastric reflux – in fact the list is endless.
In short the electric adjustable bed (aka a healthcare bed, a disability bed, a mobility bed or even an orthopaedic bed) is truly the best way to ensure the perfect nights sleep every night.

Alternative/Complementary therapies do not always command the respect they  deserve often being labelled as ‘quack therapies’ they are often derided and scorned.

However, as the medical profession continues to be propped up by what some describe as spurious and purely commercially driven claims (just look at the recent case against GSK for one) the public is more and more waking up to the fact that modern day medicine although it does have it’s uses it also has limitations.

One of the hardest conditions to treat effectively seems to be back pain.  Gold standard is physiotherapy and treatment with painkillers such as anti inflammatories which are effective in the short term but not necessarily the long term solution.

So we have compiled a list of other therapies that we consider to be of use in treating back pain

  • Remedial massage combined with the use of pure essential aromatherapy oils is a very potent combination of 2 treatments.  The remedial massage will loosen the contracted muscles and restore some semblance of normal blood supply with nutrients and oxygen.  The essential oils when chosen correctly will add to the effect by acting directly on the physiology of the muscles.
  • Hot stones massage – what more can we add to this?
  • Reiki is a form of hands on healing which allows healing energies to be channelled to the affected areas, it is not only effective but it is also deeply relaxing
  • Accupuncture is now routinely used here in the UK by physiotherpists and is well documented to be good at alleviating pain
  • Reflexology is another complementary therapy that is fast gaining credibility in the mainstream for all manner of health conditions
  • Pilates and Yoga to help to correct any postural problems and to treat them for the long term will be very valuable as they both also help to build up and strengthen the muscles and keep them flexible
  • Look at the bed you are sleeping in because the chances are that it does not give you the level of support and comfort that you need.  Anyone who has suffered with back pain will know just how hard it can be to get comfortable in bed whilst in pain.  We always recommend that an adjustable bed is going to give you the most support and not only that the most customized support you could ever wish for whilst lying in bed.

Back pain needs a multi pronged approach and not only that it needs a regime of treatment options that will be ongoing for the longterm so that the condition will not recur or continue to create a painful problem for the months to come.  The more you can do to build a good strong and healthy back the better you will be for years to come.

Back Pain misery is something that blights the lives of most people at one time or another.  The degree to which it hits varies as does the length of time it lasts – but one thing is clear however you suffer – back pain sucks!

Just think about it – your spine runs right down the back of your body and it holds together everything….. shoulders to arms, hips to legs and everything in the middle.  The spinal cord contains all the major nerves and all the back muscles are interconnected very closely with other back muscles and adjoining muscles.  So, all in all your back totally supports you in everything you do.

No wonder Back Pain is so bad!

So what can you do to help it once it hits?

Top tips for back pain once you have got it …..

  • Depending on the severity of the pain and depending on how debilitating it is seek professional help from either the physio, chiropractor, osteopath or Dr. Get a proper diagnosis as soon as you can so that anything you do next is going to be the ‘right’ thing.
  • Follow the advice of the health care professional so if they give you exercises – then do them, if they recommend sitting still – then do it….
  • If getting an appointment to get professional help is going to take time then in the meantime remember to get out the ice pack, elevate if it is a foot or leg, if unbearable then take some sort of pain relief/anti inflammatory (seek help from the pharmacy if you are not sure what to take)
  • Keep the area mobile, keep the muscle moving so that it does not seize up completely
  • Once the initial acute phase has subsided then heat can help so warm baths, heat packs will all bring fresh blood to the injured area and will help the muscle to relax and repair faster
  • Depending on what you have been advised to do by your healthcare professional then the following therapies can help.  Reflexology, massage, accupuncture, reiki.  See here to learn how Reflexology can help.
  • Look at replacing your bed with one that is truly supportive and that will give you the quality and type of sleep that you need for good health.  Traditional ‘flat’ beds are not the most supportive for the human frame with all of it’s natural curves.  Electric adjustable beds are a far better option as they allow for custom adjustments and support no matter what is wrong or right with you.  Have a look here at our favourite adjustable bed reviews site.
  • Take measures to make sure that the chances of the injury happening again are minimal.

Back problems can be unbearable for many and doing our best to avoid these should be high on our list of ‘body maintenance’ tasks.  Looking after your back should be something you work hard at particularly when it is in great health and not just when something goes wrong.  By keeping it in tip top health it hopefully will minimise the chances of things going wrong in the first place.